Worldwide: Small-scale fishers of Indonesia and China face similar issues

Worldwide: Small-scale fishers of Indonesia and China face similar issues

Indonesia: A recent workshop in Bali, organized by Dialogue Earth and China Blue, brought together Indonesian and Chinese fishing communities and NGOs to discuss issues such as climate change, conservation, and sustainable livelihoods. Highlighted during the meeting on the differences and similarities, China, traditionally agrarian, has the world's largest fishing fleet with millions of small-scale fishers, while Indonesia, an archipelago of around 17,000 islands, with an estimation of 2.5 million small-scale fishing households. Both nations face challenges in defining small-scale fisheries, with China focusing on boat size and Indonesia on boat weight. Source:
Kiribati: EC inks a fisheries protocol with Kiribati  for the first time

Kiribati: EC inks a fisheries protocol with Kiribati  for the first time

A new five-year fisheries protocol to the sustainable fisheries partnership agreement was signed between the European Commission (EC) and the Republic of Kiribati on 2 October 2023. The new protocol will permit EC fishing vessels to restart operations in the fishing grounds of Kiribati. provides the EC vessels access to one of the world's richest and healthiest tuna populations found in the Pacific Ocean, an area that accounts for more than half of the world's tuna catch. For the first time the EC and Kiribati agreed upon a regime based on effort management (fishing days) rather than catch management (reference…
Malaysia plans to upskill fishermen and help locals reel in alternative job offers

Malaysia plans to upskill fishermen and help locals reel in alternative job offers

MALAYSIA: Job opportunities and benefits from the Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) will be seen once the Penang South Island (PSI) reclamation work begins. There will be some 600 marine and land-based jobs when reclamation is carried out over 18 months, with priority given to fishermen and local residents. The positions range from licensed and professional roles to skilled and technical categories. Fishermen will also be given assistance in the form of bigger boats and engines, complete with accessories. Once the reclamation begins, there will be a 250m-wide navigation channel that enables them to go to sea regardless of the…
Universiti Malaysia Sabah developing national aquaculture incubator

Universiti Malaysia Sabah developing national aquaculture incubator

MALAYSIA: Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has the potential to be a leading aquaculture incubator in the country as it is the only public university that has facilities to be developed as fish and crustacean hatcheries. Minister of Higher Education Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the facilities at the aquaculture incubator at UMS Borneo Marine Research Institute are capable of producing hatchlings for the aquaculture industry in this country. “This university is the only one that has this incubator and the ministry will pay attention to help empower this incubator, it not only meets the issue of food security in…
2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment to be convened in Rome, Italy in July 2023

2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment to be convened in Rome, Italy in July 2023

ITALY: The 2023 UN Food Systems Stocktaking Moment will serve as the first global follow-up to the 2021 Food Systems Summit, where individuals and countries committed to accelerate and deepen the transformative power of food systems, for the full realization of all 17 SDGs. The high-level meeting aims to provide opportunities for countries to report on progress made at the national level and on their contributions to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – despite a current global context that has substantially changed. In his Chair Summary and Statement of Action on the UN Food Systems Summit,…
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INFOFISH International carries out in-depth interviews with leading spokespersons and experts in the global fisheries and aquaculture industries. INFOFISH International Issue No 6/2022 : Industry Profile: ERIK DE LAURENS Co-Founder & CEO, SCALE.VISION More details please contact us at :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
GSA launches consumer-facing website, releases update to Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

GSA launches consumer-facing website, releases update to Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard

The Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) has published an update of the Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS). The RFVS is part of GSA’s Best Seafood Practices (BSP) certification program, which uses third-party certification to link responsible wild fisheries to certified vessels and processing plants. The new RFVS Issue 2.0 replaces the previous Issue 1.1 in order to incorporate lessons learned and feedback by industry partners, during the certification pilots. A number of new requirements were applied to Issue 2.0, including the development and incorporation of a zero-tolerance policy for managing instances of serious human rights atrocities affecting crew members, as well…
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